If all I'm reading is the bad news, why would he think there is any good news on the economy? Then he's adding taxes. Student loans again. Keep T'ing off Russia only brings more fertilizer shortages. Your other Enemy is your Libtard HOA. I forget what Jason Robertson's beef was, but he is right, what you grow in your backyard, is your business. As long as it's not illegal. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP._MLZrE5non6hXcMlXBNuUQHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=7d3164ba7cbc812e06108f8b89afa634874aad7e8c64696da4475e379cfa757b&ipo=images

I bought chicks, just 6 females, Hub dragged out a copy of the HOA, and NO ONE ADHERES TO IT. PANIC'S THE 82-YEAR-OLD Ret. USN, SCPO, WE WILL HAVE TO MOVE. I ONLY GOT FEMALES, I GARDEN, I WENT HUNGRY UNDER CARTER TO FEED MY 3 BOYS, NO SAFETY NETS, except my parents took them when school was out.

What I object to is being videoed making it an invasion of privacy. Lowe's self-checkout videos you. Again Unconditional, the 4th Amendment. New self-checkout cart will have a huge impact on retail theft with two cameras, alerts to employees, and tons of data. Who will bag it? Oh, I forgot they want YOU TO PAY FOR THE BAGS, LIKE UNDER OBAMA. They take the place of 4 workers, often are wrong, confusing to use, and further this DIGITAL MONEY SCAM.

https://share.newsbreak.com/372lo3k5 purchase at self-checkouts, No one asked my permission,

I REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE! SO DO A LOT OF PEOPLE, BLACK, WHITE, HISPANIC, AND ASIAN. The local Nail salon wants CASH! Not that I can no longer afford that service. Food rationing in Europe. Reminds me of WW2, FDR.. BIDEN GREAT DEPRESSION 2. $9 TRILLION IN SPENDING SO FAR.

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I appreciate that you identified the Covid spending as triggering inflation, as the kindling was put in place by years long Federal Reserve inflationary polices. I also think that the economy is pretty much a lock for a recession this year. Anyone with a 5 hour/week job at Starbucks counts as employed. What is more relevant is that daily tax receipt growth is dramatically decelerating, and monetary growth has gone negative for the past three months. Depending on the Fed response we may revisit the 1970s stagflation-sweet breezy good times ahead. 😁

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