The recession started months ago.

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Blah blah blah. Click bait. After the non-stop hype, what if the Great Biden Depression turns out to be another nothingburger? We should be so lucky. The media has been running around with their hair on fire for 2 years - is it so they can say - "See, it wasn't as bad as we told you it was going to be"?

Yes, at some point, inevitably, the US House of Cards has to collapse. Keynesian/Krugman money printing & borrowing has a predictable end but not predictable timing.

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From the perspective of many low-wage earners, Seniors with little savings, and single males with health conditions, and no job, won't work again; it's a BIDEN DEPRESSION. And those who will have no jobs if his GREEN, EPA CRAP, DIGITAL MONEY GO THROUGH, WILL JOIN THE RANKS OF THE UNEMPLOYED. Many are High Downs or Autistic young people, who have a hard time finding work, to begin with. They come from all backgrounds, damaged by vaccines. Not capable of living alone, but are willing to work. J.D. is my bagger of choice at the grocery store, he is very careful handling my order and automatically asks if I need help. The so-called 'normal don't do it, don't care how careless they are. The tip jar is communal. I tip him at the car so he doesn't have to share, he lives with his Senior mom, who had just been in a car wreck.

Many Americans will not know what it is to own their own home. Many are on the verge of being Homeless. While the big 10 companies' food production rack in BILLIONS ON OUR MISERY.

NO GAS CARS IN 7 YEARS, mine is 5 yrs old, and at 74 was to be my last, it's paid for, and I'm not going into debt for a rolling death trap electric car. My last 2 cars were sold cheaply to my son are 20 and 30 yrs old and still run.

Latest US Energy Chart Shows How Absolutely Foolish and Dangerous Joe Biden’s New Electric Car Executive Order is for America


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