Campaign promises from the left are the biggest lies from the biggest liars - period.

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Even Trump can't keep some IVR is one of them, cost, sterility from covid, mutlpile births, Miscarriages, womb deaths, destruction of excess sperm, women to old to have healthy babies, it's a field he knows nothing about. Stick to treaties, getting rid of illegals, cut off their freebies, overhaul government. NO MONEY for foreign countries. He has a Military to fix that is in worse shape than the first time. Worse with schools. What will he do with all the rapist/killer illegals, and citizens, some have been on state DR's 30 years with DNA proof. We need reform schools. Better Veterans care. Medicare fixed Biden-Harris made worse. Last week a bunch of money went to 'green deals' that have to be cancled, and repurposed. Net Zero eggs were $6 at the little town I live in, and we are not a green county. RED. 1 grocery store Krogers. The Gouging They committed and admmited too. 19 companies under 1 umbrella is a violation of the Sherman Anti Trust Act, adding Albertsons, won't bring prices down. Go back to the Gold Standard, and checks/cash. Forget Bitcoin. I don't do self checkout, hire teens to do it. At 76, I do good to shop if I can find someone to get the item off the 2nd shelf. I'm 5' tall, not 6'.

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No one in government has an incentive to reduce inflation. The more you spend on items, the more the state collects in sales tax and they didn't have to do one thing for the greater intake of OUR money. And, because people demand higher pay due to inflation, they pay higher income tax to the feds who didn't have to do anything for that greater intake. It's a self-licking ice cream cone and you and I are the ice cream!

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Nixion's price controls failed, and drove them up. I HAVEN'T CHANGED. https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/cartoons/alg090124dAPR-800x0.jpg

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