If they live the pre-pandemic/FJB lifestyle they can't live on that. If they don't have 'job skills' they can't. My 43-year-old is delivering pizza now. He has a wife and a 6-year-old, baby #2 is due tomorrow. They live with her dad, and welfare sister with 3 kids, in a not-so-nice rented house or neighborhood. And still trying to live the Starbucks lifestyle. This is her 2nd C-Section, refuses to get her tubes tied. She Wants him to have a Vasectomy, she is a dumb 2-year failed nursing student who thinks it will mess with her hormones. Ins. will pay for her to get her tubes tied. Vascetomy is OOP. I warned him, he best not ask for tuition for the 6-year-old next year. We are 76/83-year-old Prepped Seniors because I do read Economic Sub and others. Hub ignores it. Has depended on credit and CCs for most of his adult life. Money doesn't grow on trees. I grew up poor and lived poor. And had a Grandma who told DEPRESSION HORRORS.

Inflation rates show Biden is gaslighting Americans on the economy

Meanwhile, interest rates have been at a 23-year high since last July; Wall Street keeps hoping the Fed will cut rates, but Powell’s (rightly) promising nothing.

Which leaves the working and middle class squeezed, and racking up more debt: Americans have already spent their pandemic savings while credit-card balances soar.

Meanwhile, job growth slowed last month , and the majority of jobs added were in government and health care (which is itself government-dominated): Private -sector employment looks flat.


Opinion: Biden has become detached from economic reality

Interestingly, Biden did receive some pushback from CNN’s Erin Burnett. That in itself goes to show that even Biden’s mainstream media lapdogs understand how ridiculously out of touch he has become, less than six months before this year’s general election.

In reality, the vast majority of Americans are in terrible shape and do not have money to spend on anything but the bare necessities.

According to a 2023 payroll.org survey, 78 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. When asked why they were living paycheck to paycheck, the number one response, by far, was: “High monthly bills.”


People are raiding their savings and racking up debt, paving the way for economic pain, expert warns

Inflation spiked to a 40-year high of more than 9% in 2022, and has been tracking close to 4% in recent months — well above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.

The US central bank has responded by hiking interest rates from nearly zero to north of 5%, which has raised the monthly amount that people owe on their mortgages, credit cards, car loans, and other debts.

The one-two punch of surging prices and soaring borrowing costs has put the squeeze on households, forcing them to raid their piggy banks, rack up additional debt, save less each month, and slash their outgoings.


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Subtack needs an Angry button.

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This is all intentional. A healthy US economy is preventing a economic reset and switch to a digital one world currency so it’s being intentionally sabotaged from the inside by globalist infiltrators.

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Before the lockdown, my son worked 15 years for a steel cabinet/shelf factory, he has a forklift, spray painting, spot welding, and leadership skills. She failed her 2nd year of nursing school.

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Finance expert sounds alarm over 'spaving' trend: An old 'trap' with a new name hitting your wallet

Kuderna Financial Team founder and "What Should I Do with My Money?" author Bryan Kuderna shares advice to consumers on how to avoid falling for the 'spaving' trap.



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Finance expert sounds alarm over 'spaving' trend: An old 'trap' with a new name hitting your wallet

Kuderna Financial Team founder and "What Should I Do with My Money?" author Bryan Kuderna shares advice to consumers on how to avoid falling for the 'spaving' trap.



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Finance expert sounds alarm over 'spaving' trend: An old 'trap' with a new name hitting your wallet

Kuderna Financial Team founder and "What Should I Do with My Money?" author Bryan Kuderna shares advice to consumers on how to avoid falling for the 'spaving' trap.



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