Tic, Toc since 2008 and the PTB added Moar Debt as "The Solution". Well, they Did kick the can to the End? of the road........ Much further than i ever imagined possible, but I have never regreted that extra can of beans in the pantry, if you get my drift, comrades.


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WHEN DID WE HIRE A KING NANNY? Telling us what Stove we can have. I thought this was a Free Republic, not a Dictatorship.


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One more thing to add, CRIME, Kroger's has hired UNARMED Security guards, and robberies in their parking lots are up, as well as Carjackings, one about 20 miles from my house, 1 adult, 1 teen Armed Perps, fortunately, the carjacked ladies survived but were shaken. What good is an UNARMED Security Guard?

Every other day their SCAM prices are going up. While their CEO makes over $20 Million a year. The prepared food is not healthy, the flesh is of poor quality. You fare no better at Walmart. The Navy base is just as BAD! Biden told lower ranks to go on SNAP. If you can find food on empty shelves besides Junk food.

History Channel is doing a 2nd How Food Was Made, this week. None of it is healthy, thank TV for hooking your parents and kids on junk food. Over Dyed food is making people sick and fat, as well as dying early.

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Are you in SC? Sheesh the Carolinas used to be so genteel. Perhaps there is "No Going Home, Dorothy"


I just no longer have words that suffice. Please take care.

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He has plenty of our Tax $$ for Ukraine's politician's another $500 Million. MONEY LAUNDERING, But not for normal Americans. No money for East Palestine, IL. Houston, TX, or Detroit, Mich. Train disasters. And he plans to kill off Feral or unbranded Cows in New Mexico. 150 beef cows would feed a lot of America's hard-hit farmers in New Mexico and TX.

Kill order for New Mexico feral cows issued by US officials - ABC News

A helicopter with a shooter will fly over a portion of the vast Gila Wilderness in southwestern New Mexico next week, searching for feral cows to kill.

The Gila National Forest issued the decision amid pressure from environmental groups who raised concerns about nearly 150 cattle whose hooves and mouths are damaging streams and rivers. Ranchers, meanwhile, have criticized the plan to shoot cows from a helicopter as animal cruelty. They said the action violates federal regulations and will be problematic when carcasses are left to rot.

A section of the Gila Wilderness will be closed to the public starting Monday. A helicopter will launch Thursday, with shooters spending four days looking for feral cattle in rugged areas that include the Gila River.

No carcasses are to be left in or adjacent to waterways or springs — or near designated hiking trails or known, culturally sensitive areas.

The work, namely noise from the helicopter, also can't interrupt the breeding season for the Mexican spotted owl, the southwestern willow flycatcher and other endangered species. The aerial gunning operation is expected to be complete before April, when the season begins for Mexican gray wolves to have pups.

Environmentalists used to point to the removal of livestock carcasses as a preventative measure to limit conflict between wolves and ranchers. However, federal officials stated in documents that were released this week that there's no scientific research or observational data to suggest that once wolves scavenge on a livestock carcass, they become habituated to cattle.


Scaning the news ran across what looked like a noinsense article on why the Shortages of Tampons and pads, turms out the drougt in Texas devestation destroyed the cotton fields of TEXAS. Our biggest producer. MSM HIDE THE INFO. ANOTHER DUST BOWL.

Heffington’s farm is about 40 miles northwest of Lubbock in the state’s High Plains, an area that stretches from Lubbock to the tip of Panhandle and covers 42 counties. The region produces an abundance of cotton and cottonseed, accounting for 66% of the state’s total yield. It’s more than a third of the nation’s total crop. It’s 4% globally.

Texas’ cotton industry is facing its worst harvest in years — costing…


I read a lot of news and this NEVER WAS TALKED ABOUT, On top of the Snow Storms, and Blackouts.

Cotton fields of TX.


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The Shocking Amount of Money Congress Has Stolen From Social Security -- to the Penny


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Gas prices are primed to rise in a few weeks, but American drivers won't be hit with record costs again this summer, GasBuddy says


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