Since I have no trust in banks, never really have, I leave just enough in a free checking account for my Digital SS Check. And to pay for my few online purchases of items not available in a small rural town. I refuse to drive a 2-hour round trip to a Crime-riddled mall in Memphis. I moved to the next rural county to get away from all that. Besides all they sell is overpriced Chinese crap that some 20-30 year old would wear. Nor do they carry my shoe size. Never have in the last 3 decades. I can go to the local Navy Exchange, 15 minutes away, and snarl my nose up at the same overpriced Chinese crap. Made by Slave Labor.
Since I have no trust in banks, never really have, I leave just enough in a free checking account for my Digital SS Check. And to pay for my few online purchases of items not available in a small rural town. I refuse to drive a 2-hour round trip to a Crime-riddled mall in Memphis. I moved to the next rural county to get away from all that. Besides all they sell is overpriced Chinese crap that some 20-30 year old would wear. Nor do they carry my shoe size. Never have in the last 3 decades. I can go to the local Navy Exchange, 15 minutes away, and snarl my nose up at the same overpriced Chinese crap. Made by Slave Labor.